Drug addiction is now so widespread that it is no longer considered the problem of the wealthy. In response to the rising tide of drug addiction, most countries now have both private and public medical facilities in which addicts can undergo drug detox in a supervised and safe setting. Drug detox is the process of eliminating a drug dependency first by withdrawing from the drug and them by going through the counseling and therapy which uncovers why the addicted became addicted.
Nobody Says It Will Be Easy Drug detox, however, is one of the most grueling physical challenges anyone will ever face. The physical symptoms of drug withdrawal can range from quite uncomfortable, like sever headaches, nausea, and chills, to life endangering, like delirium tremens and acute paranoia. Drug detox will test a person on psychological, physical and emotional levels in ways never before experienced, and should never be attempted without close medical supervision by individuals experienced in the process.
The specific symptoms which you experience during drug detox will depend both on the drugs from which you are withdrawing, and on how long you have been a drug user. If you are a heroin addict, you may become extremely anxious or euphoric, and be plagued by either diarrhea or constipation. But many people who have been addicted to hard core drugs for a long time may slip into coma or even die if they attempt withdrawal on their own.
If you have been using hard drugs steadily for a year or longer, you face serious withdrawal symptoms in your drug detox program. But face them you must, because as long as any traces of drugs remain in your system, the chances that your cravings will return are high.
All The Help You Need In spite of the difficulty of the drug detox Process, however, you can rest assured that by choosing a well-regarded drug detox center your withdrawal will be managed in most humane and safest of environments. You’ll be cared for by a medical staff fully trained in managing every aspect of drug detox from the physical symptoms to the psychological adjustments you’ll need to make so you can face the world without drugs.
You’ll get all the emotional support you can handle, and your case will be treated with the strictest confidence. During your withdrawal you’ll be provided with medications to ease your physical pain as much as possible, and you’ll be given individual and group counseling to give you a foundation for facing a healthy drug-free future.